Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahu plays a lead role in technology transfer


Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahu from Kalahandi playing a lead role in Technology Transfer and commercialisation in Covid 19 technologies at NRDC

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has portrayed the pressing need for countries to focus more on advancements in science, technology and innovation (STI) in both policy and practical terms.India’s proactive, preventive and productive approach to fight COVID-19 pandemic started under the eminent leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. At present there is no known specific, effective and proven treatment and vaccine for the disease available worldwide. In this critical situation, Government of India has dynamically activated programs like ‘Make in India’, ‘COVID-19 Task Force’ and geared up various Science Ministries, Departments and Funding organisations to battle this pandemic with all its might.

Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahu, the regional head of National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India stationed at Vishakhaptnam is engaged in technology development, up-scaling, licensing and commercialisation of indigenous technologies as well as export of technologies developed by public funded R&D institutions in the country and universities. NRDC works with principal objective to promote, develop, nurture and commercialise the novel, reliable and competitive technologies to value addition partnership and provide protection to MSMEs and academia about Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and to facilitate for filing of Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights, Geographical Indications etc.  To avail improved services, Dr Sahu also heading Technology and Innovation Support Centre (TISC) by World Intellectual property Organisation (WIPO) and Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Govt of India was established in NRDC-IPFC at Visakhapatnamhas provided its Intellectual Property Facilitation Services to various PSU’s of Defense Ministry, Industries & Academia, MSMEs, start-ups and enthusiastic entrepreneurs. It has promoted technological know-how of many technologies sourced from CSIR, NIOT and DRDO to various Start-ups, individual entrepreneurs, MSME’s for licensing the technologies to them. Besides Dr Sahu also advised many incubation centre in the country and associating with DPIIT-CIPAM, WIPO, Govt of AP, Ministry of MSME has been organizing various programs related to capacity building, awareness, training and workshop on Intellectual Property, technology management and transfer in various places.

Recently the low-cost PPE known as NavRakshak – A Low Cost Breathable PPE Suite,has been developed by a doctor of the Indian Navy, posted at the recently created Innovation Cell at Institute of Naval Medicine (INM), Mumbai. A pilot batch of PPEs has already been produced at Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. NRDC filed Patent for NavRakshak and also made available for commercialisation to start-ups and industry.The patent was filed by the Defence Ministry in association with the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), an enterprise under the Ministry of Science and Technology. NRDC has compiled the list of technologies available for commercialisation, on-going potential projects and various R&D programs being initiated across the country in scientific researchers, startups, private and government sectors including initiatives and activities being undertaken by Government of India in form of a compendium ‘Compendium of Indian Technologies for Combating COVID-19’and the activities are classified under the value chain of 3Ts of Tracking, Testing and Treating SARS-CoV-2 disease. Most of these technologies are proof-of-concept (POC) tested and can help the entrepreneurs to take the product to market faster as they do not have to reinvent the wheel.

The compendium has been launched by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director General, CSIR and Secretary, DSIR on  May 6, 2020 and appreciated Dr. H. Purushotham, CMD, NRDC for the initiative of compiling the technological advancement in the compendium as it is very timely and would benefit the MSMEs, Startups and the public at large.

Dr Sahu has received many inquiries for the technology transfer of technologies listed in the compendium likeDigital IR Thermometer, Thermal Screening Drone System, Fever Detection system, Low-cost portable thermal scanner, Corona UV Bot, Corona Oven, Portable UV sanitizer, UV-C Disinfecting System, Medical Accessories Sterilization System, UV based gateway, UV based disinfecting device, Smart Stethoscope, Gut microbe Technology, Hand & Surface sanitizers (alcohol & herbal), Advanced face masks, Personal Protective Equipment, Full face shield, UV sanitizing trunk, Nasal gel, Portable UV SanitizersRobot for Isolation Ward, H-Card, Mist Sanitizer, Probe free diagnostic test kit, IgM/IgG Lateral Flow Assay Kit, Elisa Test Kit, Paper strip-based testing assay, Chip-based testing kit are some among many.