Bhubaneswar : Dibya Shakar Mishra, Hon’ble Minister, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises took up a review meeting in digital mode today from his office chamber in Lok Seva Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. General Managers, RIC / DIC; Director, MSMEDI; State Director KVIC, Secretary, Odisha Khadi & Village Industries Board attended the meeting. Satyabrata Sahu, Prinicipal Secretary, MSME Department and Reghu G., Director of Industries along with officers from MSME Department and Directorate of Industries were also present in the meeting.
Keeping in view of the importance of livelihood in the present Covid 19
scenario, Hon’ble Minister expressed his satisfaction on initiatives taken by General Managers. Since MSME sector provides ample scope for employment generation, he advised the General Managers to be more proactive in discharging their responsibility. Convenor, State Level Bankers Committee informed that Rs.2,500 crore has been sanctioned against 1.60 lakh accounts under Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme out of which Rs. 1700 crore has been disbursed to 1 lakh account in the State so far. Since all sanctioned accounts have been disbursed under ECLGS in Ganjam district, which is badly affected by Covid, efforts of General Manager, DIC, Ganjam was appreciated. Schemes like Pottery, Beekeeping, Leader Craft Artisan etc of KVIC to provide employment opportunities to migrant labourers were discussed in detail.
Hon’ble Minister directed that a training programme in tribal populated Naktikani village in Kalahandi district should be started by 15 August, 2020. Similarly migrant labourers should be given priority for assistance under PMFME scheme of Ministry of Food Processing Industries. It was decided to hold such digital review meeting regularly on 1st Thrusday in each month.