Bhubaneswar : Odisha Library Academy (OLA), a professional group of young library and Information science professionals was established on 9th August 2015 on the eve of Librarians Day. Every year OLA celebrates librarian’s day as well as its annual day followed by a conference or seminar. Due to COVID19 pandemic situation, the academy organised its 5th annual day, celebration of Librarians day and a panel discussion on Potency of Library: Past, Present and Future virtually.
Professor Ashoka Kumar Das, Vice chairman of Odisha Higher Education Council and former Vice Chancellor Utkal University joined as chief guest. Professor Das elaborated the important role of Librarians and library staffs for the career of a student and highlighted the importance of library for an educational institution. He said the quality of an institute looks from its library, so development of libraries and Librarians is more important for the education system.
He also suggested to constitute an advisory committee for the development of libraries and Librarians community in Odisha. Organising secretary Mr. Niranjan Mohapatra started the programme with welcome address and president of OLA Dr.Banamber Sahoo gave the Presidential address. Senior Professionals and Professors i.e. Prof. P.V. Konnur, Dr. Daulat Jotwani, Dr. M.P. Tapaswi, Prof. R.N. Mishra had joined as panellists in the panel discussion and Dr. D.B. Ramesh moderate the session.
The Programme was concluded with vote of thanks by the Secretary of OLA Dr.Basudev Mohanty.Odisha Library Academy also celebrated the 128th birth anniversary Dr. S R Ranganatha, the father of Library Science, Information Science and Documentation who born on 9th August 1892. He was honoured with Padmashri Award by Government of India in 1957 for his valuable contributions to Library Science and honoured him with a rare title of “National Research Professor”. Every year 12th August, the official birthday of Dr. SR Ranganathan) is being celebrated as National Librarian’s Day in India who had spear headed library development in India.